* translated into English with an online translation service, the original text can be found here

The results of research in the field of psychological and pedagogical science, our practical work, indicate that gifted students have a number of difficulties, largely related to the sphere of interaction with microsocime. Often these difficulties are associated with social identity.

Keywords: giftedness, gifted child, identity, social identity*The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for research in the Russian Federation, project no. 20-013-00656 Formulation of a scientific problem. Today, the problem of developing the gifted is directly related to the new conditions and requirements of a changing society and state. In their development, gifted children, along with a number of features, have distinctive characteristics.For psychological and pedagogical practice, the understanding of children and adolescents themselves, self-awareness among peers and adults becomes particularly relevant. Most researchers identify the characteristics, and therefore the difficulties of socialization, of such a category as gifted children. Based on the diagnostic materials, we have identified the features of the social identity of gifted schoolchildren.Characteristics of the degree of study of the problem and justification of the need for further research.According to a number of domestic researchers (D. B. Bogoyavlenskaya, A. I. Savenkov, V. S. Yurkevich, etc.), gifted children are children who demonstrate high achievements and differ in a number of outstanding abilities. The development prospects of such children are determined by their level of achievement and potential opportunities in one or more areas: academic achievement, intellectual activity, creative thinking, leadership and communication [3]. The socio-psychological aspect of personal identity was considered in the works of G. M. Andreeva, who says that the formation of social identity is directly related to the development of social experience, assessments and expectations of others [1].The social identity of gifted students can be manifested through the complexity of self-assessment, the presence of belonging to certain social groups, or detachment from them, the attitude to its representatives, making informed decisions in relation to the representatives of the group [2].Obtained result. Identification of the social identity of the gifted was provided on the basis of a multi-Subject school for gifted students of Kostroma state University. Participants in the study were teenagers in grades 8-9 (n=20). The diagnostic tools are methods for assessing the relationship of a teenager with the class, the method of communication and organizational skills (CBS), and the Method of self-assessment of leadership.In the analysis of the data of primary diagnosis of gifted adolescents multi-disciplinary school, we have identified the following features of social identity of this category of children: the individualistic learning styles of the peer group, often a low level of communication skills, lack of understanding from peers and teachers; difficulties in evaluating themselves.Thus, effective social and pedagogical work with gifted students allows us to provide a systematic consistent activity that contributes to their social identification.


1.Andreeva G.M. To the issue of identity crisis in the conditions of social transformations [Electronic resource] // Psychological research: electron. scientific journal 2011. N 6 (20). S. 1.2. Grushetskaya I.N., Scherbinina O.S. The content of socio-pedagogical work to overcome the difficulties of social development of gifted students: scientific method. recommendations for teachers and specialists of educational institutions / I. N. Grushetskaya, O. S. Shcherbinina. – Kostroma: Kostroma. state Univ., 2018 .– 66 p.3. Savenkov A. I. Psychology of children’s giftedness: a textbook. – 2nd ed., Rev. and add. – M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2019 .– 334 p.

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