* translated into English with an online translation service, the original text can be found here


The article reveals the relevance of the study of socio-cultural identity, presents the features of the process of development of socio-cultural identity of the individual in adolescence.

Keywords: personal and socio-cultural identity, personality, youth, socio-cultural space, self-determination.

*The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for research in the Russian Federation, project no. 20-013-00656


Studies of identity in youth in foreign, Russian and Ukrainian psychology have been conducted for a long time, but they do not lose their relevance today. It is obvious that social, political and economic changes, as well as the military conflict in the Donbas, have affected people’s perception of life and their place in it and have led to a qualitative rethinking of the problem of identity, the relevance of which is constantly increasing. Adolescence and adolescence are the main stages in the development of identity, since these periods are the most favorable conditions for significant changes in the structure of self-consciousness and the formation of identity. The peculiarity of youth age remains the uneven development of self-determination spheres by young people [2].

The study of this problem was carried out by e.Erikson (Erikson, 1950), J. Marcia (J. E. Marcia, 1966) A. S. Waterman, S. K. Waterman, H. Tajfel, J. Turner, D. R. Matteson, H. D. Grotevant, S. L. Archer, G. M. Andreeva, V. S. Ageev, E. p. Belinskaya, I. S. Cohn, V. S. Mukhina, T. G. Stefanenko, G. U. Soldatova, V. A. Yadov, etc.

By socio-cultural identity, we mean an identity that is formed as a result of socialization and provides a person with self-determination in the socio-cultural space. Under the socio-cultural space, we understand the state of the actual social environment at a certain time within the cultural tradition of a given society [1].

Sociocultural identity can be considered in the following aspects:

  1. a) cognitive-semantic (awareness of belonging to a certain group (community);
  2. b) emotional-value (a set of feelings, assessments, relationships related to formed knowledge, ideas, opinions about membership in groups, actualization and a sense of adequacy/inadequacy of one’s own “I”);
  3. C) activity-oriented (implementation of interiorized anthropo-images of samples, corresponding scenarios and ways of behavior within and outside the group) [3].

The years of military conflict in the Donbas have led to a blurring of the guidelines necessary for self-determination. In a situation of social instability, young people face the problem of an identity crisis, being forced to re-evaluate their beliefs and previous choices and search for themselves in a new reality, without compromising their sense of continuity and integrity.

By studying the socio-cultural identity in various educational institutions in the region, we can conclude that young people have a positive attitude that shows a desire to belong to their own ethnic group through their attitude to the place of residence, the Russian language, culture, and traditions of the region. And the fact that most of the young people with their families remained in the Donbass, did not go to the cities controlled by Ukraine and to other countries where there is no war, indicates the formation of positive attitudes to their own ethnic community.

The process of forming a socio-cultural identity depends on the social system (E. Erikson) [4]. In modern reality, it is the variability of social situations that affects the process of identity formation of the younger generation, which, growing up and socializing, tries to adopt all the variety of existing patterns of behavior and form its own identity. A significant proportion of young men and women Express a positive attitude to the generally accepted social norm – their own family and parents, which indicates a high degree of protection in the family, as well as the importance of interpersonal relationships. Most of them positively assess their social space: their environment, their activities, their education, but not the sphere of entertainment, which is limited in time due to the curfew in the Republic.

Priorities in choosing professions have changed. The least popular are industrial professions, which have become less popular due to the trend of closing mines and partial operation of factories. The most popular professions are doctor, teacher, military, lifeguard, lawyer, police officer, and entrepreneur. Most of the young people have a clear idea of their future profession, which indicates a high level of career guidance at universities.

It can be noted that significant difficulties faced by young men and women in solving the problems of personal self-determination are due to the complex socio-political situation in our region, the prolonged military conflict, which perpetuates uncertainty about the future (“blind in life”) and uncertainty about the future, that is, a superficial orientation towards the future. Most of today’s youth plan their lives on microintervals (for a month, week, day), which indicates that they build a short time perspective and makes it possible to plan more realistically.

Thus, during the formation of the young Republic, the problem of the development of socio-cultural identity of the individual in adolescence becomes particularly relevant. This problem is particularly evident in the work of a psychologist who has to provide daily assistance to young men and women in understanding and realizing their certainty. In this context, the efforts of the Psychological service of educational institutions should be directed to the study of psychological aspects of the multi-faceted identity issues of modern youth in order to optimize the passage of the identity crisis, as well as to develop programs for the development and correction of self-determination in the socio-cultural space.



  1. Kobzeva O.V. Specifika sociokul’turnoj identichnosti v podrostkovom vozraste / O. V. Kobzeva // Kazanskij pedagogicheskij zhurnal. – 20190. – № 2. – S. 102-105.
  2. Krylov K. Identichnost’ // [Elektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL: http://www.antropotok.archipelag.ru/text/a063.
  3. Social’no-pedagogicheskie usloviya stanovleniya sociokul’turnoj identichnosti lichnosti: monografiya. – Voronezh: VGPU, 2006. – 200 s.
  4. Erikson E. Identichnost’: YUnost’ i krizis. – M.: Progress, 1996. – 344 s.


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