* translated into English with an online translation service, the original text can be found here

The article presents the results of studying the features of identifying gifted teenagers with a group, society and building a personal identity based on existing ideas.

The results were obtained on the basis of a survey, and testing of gifted adolescents, as well as observation of them during diagnostic situations.

Keywords: giftedness, gifted child, identity, personal identity.

*The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for research in the Russian Federation, project no. 20-013-00656

Formulation of a scientific problem. Personal identity of a person as a fairly broad concept includes a number of components. These components will depend on the point of view of the identity phenomenon.

In the modern world of opportunities and network space, in our opinion, the question becomes more and more relevant: what social group does a person identify with? How much does it accept its values? What are the goals of his interaction with this group? What is his place in it?

Social identity as a search for answers to the questions “who am I?” and “who Am I With?” is of particular importance in adolescence.

For a number of years, we have been studying the socialization and social development of gifted children and adolescents, where the aspect of social and personal identity occupies a significant place in research.

The purpose of the article: to characterize the features of the personal identity of gifted teenagers in a significant social environment for them.

Characteristics of the degree of study of the problem and justification of the need for further research.

Research by modern domestic and foreign scientists suggests the need for a new look at working with gifted children, the educational environment of modern educational organizations for the development of subjectivity of gifted children and creating conditions for their socialization. This problem is covered in the works of N. V. Bordovskaya [1]. The problem of self-determination of gifted high school students is discussed in the works of D Ozcan [5].

This confirms the need to strengthen social and pedagogical work to create conditions for the successful solution of problems of socialization and social development of gifted students, the development of their existential sphere [4].

The presented ideas are confirmed by L. A. Leutina, who focuses on the predominance of the adaptive approach over the activity approach in the process of socialization of the younger generation in modern society [3].

Undoubtedly, this affects the identification of the gifted teenager with the group and his personal identity.

Obtained result. Our research was conducted on the basis of a multi-Subject school for gifted students of Kostroma state University [2]. The study covered two groups of school participants: students in grades 8-9 (n=18), and participants in the senior group of the school, students in grades 10-11 of schools in the city of Kostroma (n=15).

The children were offered a classic exercise in the framework of creating conditions for self-determination and preparation for writing a “life plan” – write ten answers to the questions “Who Am I?” and “What Am I?”.

Suddenly and immediately, we faced a problem: they do not know and do not want to write answers. For all the benevolence of the emotional atmosphere in the group in the classroom, they did not immediately tell me why they did not want to. They didn’t know the answer to that question.

The problem is particularly acute in the younger group, where children aged 14-15 are engaged. The result of their responses in most cases was a listing of their social roles and statuses (person, student, son, grandson, class, school, Earthman, high school student, friend, etc.). the Second group of responses from this group of gifted students concerned the definition of themselves in terms of their interests “fond of programming; achieving their goals; someone who likes to chat; athlete, biologist, Orthodox person; role player; gamer, etc.”.

It should be noted that the participants of the senior group (10-11 class) 16-17 years old answered the question easier and faster, which is explained by their age characteristics and more successful solution of personal and social self-determination tasks. In their responses, they also identified themselves with a list of their social roles; with a list of their Hobbies. In addition, a group of responses appeared, where children identify themselves by personal characteristics (aggressor; cute; pleasant companion; “dust”; dreamer, etc.).

Conclusions from the study. The results obtained indicate that the identification process is active in older adolescence and adolescence. At the age of 16-17, gifted children can relate themselves more clearly to a certain group and role, they are already ready for the majority to answer the question “Who Am I?» But this does not apply to all members of the group.

This exercise showed the complexity of the process of personal self-determination and personal identification in gifted high school students. They are not just not ready to think about this issue, but sometimes refuse to think about it.

Thus, creating conditions for personal self – determination is an important task of socio-pedagogical work with gifted students, which contributes to their personal identification and building future plans based on the formed ideas.


  1. Bordovskaya N.V. Vyzovy vremeni i novyye modeli razvivayushchey obrazovatelnoy sredy // Chelovek i obrazovaniye. 2013. № 2 (35). S. 4-11.
  2. Diakov I.G.. Shcherbinina O.S. Organizatsiya raboty s odarennymi shkolnikami na baze universiteta // Yaroslavskiy pedagogicheskiy vestnik. № 1. (106). S.23-29.
  3. Leutina L.A. Sotsializatsiya detey v sovremennykh pedagogicheskikh issledovaniyakh// Voprosy obrazovaniya. №3. S.152-173.
  4. Shcherbinina O.S. Preodoleniye trudnostey sotsialnogo razvitiya odarennykh detey: monografiya / O.S. Shcherbinina; nauch. red. I. Rozhkov. – Kostroma: Kostromskoy gosudarstvennyy universitet. 2019. 179 s.
  5. D Career decision-making of the gifted and talented // SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. NOV 2017. Volume 37. Issue: 4 Special issue: SI. Article number: 1521.

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