Call for Conference Papers
7-8 April 2017, Samara, Russia
The conference is dedicated to collective action and its role in education and nurturing.
Soviet science considered collective existence as the axiom of social processes. Perhaps, this is the reason why collective action itself has not been intensively studied in Russia as a relevant research problem. In Western research tradition, on the contrary, this problem is raised and the objective difficulties of emergence and development of collective action have been observed and formulated by a number of scholars, including, for example, M. Olson, and E. Ostrom.
A similar contradiction is present in educational theory and practice. In Russia there is a long experience of building educational process and the education system in general on the foundation of collective action. Due to the change of social environment in modern Russia this experience cannot be used on the former social basis, in addition the appropriate pedagogical conceptions are frequently ignored or rejected. So, for example, giftedness research develops disconnected from the experience and understanding of collective action.
This however doesn’t make collective action socially and educationally less significant. Ideas of personality development in a collective deserve, as we think, greater attention and more intensive development in theory as well as in educational practice in general and in gifted education in particular. What is the potential of collective action in modern education? How can the available collective action resources be efficiently actualized in different education spheres?
Making these questions and similar problems the object of research in the context of collective action theories and taking into account the nature of human social activity should lead to system-related conclusions, that are relevant to educational system and educational process design, and helpful in developing new teaching methods.
Conference discussion will be organized along the following general research directions:
– Theory of collective action.
– Collective action as an element of nurturing and educational process. Collective action in knowledge production and creativity.
– The role of collective action in the emergence and development of giftedness. Gifted groups.
– Collective action of various social groups in education.
Conference procedure
Discussion of Abstracts:
The conference will be preceded by an online discussion of conference abstracts. Each participant will be invited to register, publish his/her abstracts on the conference website, comment on the abstracts of at least two other participants and respond to the commentaries to his/her own abstract.
The contact stage:
The participants will be able to present their papers personally in the form of a 10 minute presentation with the following discussion. Oversees participants will be offered an opportunity to present their papers via videoconference.
Participants and papers:
The conference is open to all interested in the topic, including scholars, students and practitioners.
Papers from all branches of humanities and social sciences are welcome. Papers written in the interdisciplinary and international comparative perspective are particularly encouraged.
Presentations extended into research articles will be published in International Research Journal – Social Phenomena (ISSN 2305-7327) after a peer review.
Participation Fees:
Participation in the conference and the publication of papers are free of charge.
The cost of postage of the conference proceedings is to be covered by the participants.
How to apply:
- complete the online application form ;
- submit your abstract of approximately 3 pages;
- register and take part in the discussion of abstracts;
- present your paper in person in Samara or through videoconference.
Important dates
31 March 2017 – deadline for applications and submission of abstracts;
1 April 2017 – notification of authors about the acceptance of abstracts;
1 – 6 April2017 – discussion of abstracts online;
7 – 8 April 2017 – Conference Events.
For more information contact us by e-mail: