25 – 26 September 2020
Budva, Montenegro
Over the past few decades giftedness has become part of state policies in many countries due to the growing awareness of it as a valuable resource of social development. Giftedness is a special social phenomenon, yet most of the time it is studied as a psychic quality determining the person’s ability to successfully perform certain activities and achieve outstanding results.
Among other constructs of giftedness is the one developed as part of the idea of the free will that extends to the person’s freedom to develop his/her abilities, to achieve an ideal, even if these abilities are initially innate, given as a gift. Natural, divine, as well as environmental preconditions will be considered as determinants of giftedness development, conceptualized as the influence of the physical and social environment, learning and upbringing opportunities.
The empirical psychological research conducted in different countries provides evidence that giftedness has the quality of developing over the course of the person’s life; the educational environment factor interacts with unique genetic characteristics resulting in striking individual differences in learning abilities, motivation, and progress in certain areas. Thus, the abilities may fail to appear in the absence of certain external conditions. On the other hand, the identification and development of a child’s giftedness even at an early age does not necessarily mean that at the end of education the nurtured giftedness will persist and reach its highest level.
We welcome scholars and practitioners to join us in a joint search for and the discussion of the conditions and factors that affect the development of giftedness.
General research directions of the conference:
- the essence of giftedness phenomenon; concepts and models of giftedness;
- social and intrapersonal conditions and factors of giftedness development;
- types of giftedness and forms of their manifestation;
- educational environment as a factor of giftedness development;
- research methods of childhood and adolescent giftedness;
- self-awareness of the gifted and its cognitive representation;
- age conditioned specifics of giftedness (young children, adolescents);
- collectivistic and individualistic orientation as factors of giftedness development;
- the problems of giftedness diagnostics.
Scholars and practitioners from all branches of social sciences and humanities are welcome to participate in the conference. Form of participation: in person, in absentia. Participation and publication in the collection of conference proceedings are free of charge. All other expenses (including transport and accommodation) are to be covered by the participants.
How to apply
– complete the online application form;
– submit your abstract (1000 words). Before submitting, please, read the instructions.
Please, note that the review of abstracts can take up to 5 days, so we recommend that you submit your proposal well before the deadline.
The conference proceedings
Accepted abstracts will be published online in a conference proceedings book (RSCI).
Academy for gifted children (Nayanova) (Russia), Dukley Academy (Republic of Montenegro), Institute for Research on Social Phenomena (Russia).
The upcoming conference is conducted as part of the project “Age dynamics of cognitive representation of social identity of the gifted”, funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project 20-013-00567).
Dukley Academy, Budva, Montenegro (travel directions will be sent to participants by email).
Important dates
10 September 2020 – deadline for abstract submission;
12 September 2020 – notification of the participants;
25 – 26 September 2020 – Conference Events.