International Research Conference
27-28 October 2017, Samara, Russia
In proposing to discuss the individual and the social, we would like to turn the researchers’ attention to two groups of synonyms: singular, particular, private, personal, individual – on the one hand; and general, common, communal, social, public, collective – on the other hand. The fundamental notions “the individual” and “the social” are present in various forms in every social sphere and reflect the basic phenomena of social reality. Their forms of realization include personality and collective, individual and collective consciousness, private and public spheres of people’s lives, various forms of property and types of goods, etc. The existence of these mutually opposed phenomena is not only reflected in language, it is also fixed in all forms of collective consciousness.
In many cases, the individual and the social in social reality are considered antagonists, mutually exclusive phenomena. Consider, for example, the concepts of personality-oriented and collectivist pedagogics, or individualism and collectivism in politics and economics, etc. We believe normative approaches to the study of this opposition to be unproductive at present. Instead it is useful to investigate those qualities of social phenomena that emerge from their individual vs. social nature, or those qualities resulting from the realization of social phenomena in private vs. public sphere. We expect the conference papers address these general issues. The papers should not limit their object to one side of this dichotomy; they should contain an analysis of differences within this opposition.
These issue of the individual and the social can be addressed within different fields of science, hence we invite representatives of the all branches of Humanities and Social Sciences to join the discussion.
Conference procedure
Discussion of Abstracts:
The conference will be preceded by an online discussion of conference abstracts. Each participant will be invited to register, publish his/her abstracts on the conference website, comment on the abstracts of at least two other participants and respond to the commentaries to his/her own abstract.
Contact Stage:
The participants will be able to present their papers personally in the form of a 10 minute presentation with the following discussion. Oversees participants will be offered an opportunity to present their papers via videoconference.
Participants and papers:
The conference is open to all interested in the topic, including scholars, students and practitioners.
Papers from all branches of humanities and social sciences are welcome. Papers written in the interdisciplinary and international comparative perspective are particularly encouraged.
Presentations extended into research articles will be published in International Research Journal – Social Phenomena (ISSN 2305-7327) after a peer review.
Participation Fees:
Participation in the conference and the publication of papers are free of charge.
The cost of postage of the conference proceedings is to be covered by the participants.
How to apply:
– complete the online application form at ;
– submit your abstract of approximately 3 pages;
– register and take part in the discussion of abstracts;
– present your paper in person in Samara or through videoconference.
Important dates
5 October 2017 – deadline for applications and submission of abstracts;
15 October 2017 – notification of authors about the acceptance of abstracts;
17 – 25 October 2017 – discussion of abstracts online;
27 – 28 October 2017 – Conference Events.
For more information contact us by e-mail: