Research and Practical Conference
1-2 April 2016
Samara, Russia
Practically all humanities and social science disciplines deal with the issue of expectations, with each field of science considering its own specific side of this phenomenon and so filling the notion of expectation with a different content. Thus in Psychology there dominates the notion of expectation as a type of mental image determined by unconscious psychological states of the person and based on the person’s prior experience (an attitude). In social theory expectations are mainly understood as a type of requirement to follow certain behavior patterns and to conform to social norms. In economic and political research expectations in general are understood as informed predictions of future events. The point of contact in interdisciplinary research cooperation can be the study of action as a guiding element of expectations and the study of the different sides of expectations in connection with the dominant role of action.
We would like to draw attention of the participants to the following general research questions:
- What social agents, what groups of people hold expectations for various events and phenomena? What determines their role as the subjects of expectations?
- What are the characteristics and the directions of action of the subjects in the state of expectations? How is the content of this action connected with the expected event, with the conditions of expectation? Who or what is the object of this action? What are the direct and indirect results of this action? What are the mechanisms of influence of this action upon the possibility of the expected event?
- How do various expectations impact one another (for example, coinciding expectations, different expectation, conflicting expectations)?
We propose to discuss these and related questions in the following conference sections.
- Theoretical research of expectations:
The section will deal with the general laws of existence of expectations in social reality.
- The existence of expectations in various social interactions:
The object of discussion in this section will be the regularities of existence and functioning of expectations in various spheres in economics, politics and culture.
- Expectations in Education
The papers that have expectations of various participants of educational process; the way these expectations show themselves in the conscious or unconscious actions of these participants; the interaction of different expectations; the possibilities of controlling expectations in the sphere of education.
Conference procedure:
- Discussion of Abstracts:
The conference will be preceded by an online discussion of conference abstracts. Each participant will be invited to register, publish his/her abstracts on the conference website, comment on the abstracts of at least two other participants and respond to the commentaries to his/her own abstract.
- Paper Presentations:
The participants will be able to present their papers personally in the form of a 10 minute presentation with the following discussion. Oversees participants will be offered an opportunity to present their papers via videoconference.
Participants and papers:
The conference is open to all interested in the topic, including scholars, students and practitioners.
Papers from all branches of humanities and social sciences are welcome. Papers written in the interdisciplinary and international comparative perspective are particularly encouraged.
Participation Fees:
Participation in the conference and the publication of papers are free of charge.
The cost of postage of the conference proceedings is to be covered by the participants.
How to apply:
– Complete the online application form at
– Submit your abstract of approximately 3 pages
– Register and take part in the discussion of abstracts.
Important dates
15 March 2016 г. – deadline for applications and submission of abstracts;
20 March 2016 г. – notification of authors about the acceptance of abstracts;
20 – 31 March 2016 г. – discussion of abstracts online;
1 – 2 April 2016 – Conference Events.