Research and Practical Conference
7 – 8 November 2016
Samara, Russia

Online Application Form

At its biannual open academic events the Institute for Research on Social Phenomena, Russia, brings together scholars and practitioners, who join their efforts to develop ideas explaining the functioning of social processes and phenomena.

Considering giftedness through the prism of social expectations can be important for modern education research and can significantly impact educational practice. Identification and development of childhood giftedness does not guarantee that at the end of formal education the giftedness will still be there or that the child will demonstrate high achievements. Consequently, there is a certain dissonance between the way giftedness exists and the results that are expected from it.

A typical example is the phantom of giftedness that may appear as the expectations of teachers and students are being formed. For instance, a child is considered intellectually gifted, so high achievement in this field is expected from him/her. However the child may actually have another kind of giftedness that the adults mistook for the intellectual one, thus, child may be gifted with diligence, punctuality, obedience, etc. In this case intellectual giftedness is a phantom, i.e. the identification does not correspond to the real existing giftedness. The presence of this phantom does exclude the giftedness per se; it only shows that the giftedness has been misinterpreted. In such cases there is a possibility that the child develops neither the phantom giftedness nor the real one, therefore his/her educational achievement will not match the expectations.

We would like to draw attention of the participants to the following general research questions:

The role of expectation in the development of personality. We invite scholars to present and discuss research focusing on expectations from giftedness and their various properties, including, but not limited to such issues as:

  • properties and criteria of giftedness, as well as the implications of their practical use;
  • expectations of educators, students, the state and society from giftedness and from the ways of its development,
  • the adequacy criteria for giftedness expectations,
  • phantoms of giftedness and their forms.

Undefined and false concepts in social sciences and humanities. We invite scholars to present and discuss the results of theoretic and practical research focusing on the functioning of scientific concepts in social practice.

Conference procedure

  • Discussion of Abstracts:

The conference will be preceded by an online discussion of conference abstracts. Each participant will be invited to register, publish his/her abstracts on the conference website, comment on the abstracts of at least two other participants and respond to the commentaries to his/her own abstract.

  • The contact stage:

The participants will be able to present their papers personally in the form of a 10 minute presentation with the following discussion. Oversees participants will be offered an opportunity to present their papers via videoconference.

Participants and papers:

The conference is open to all interested in the topic, including scholars, students and practitioners.

Papers from all branches of humanities and social sciences are welcome. Papers written in the interdisciplinary and international comparative perspective are particularly encouraged.

Participation Fees:

Participation in the conference and the publication of papers are free of charge.

The cost of postage of the conference proceedings is to be covered by the participants.

How to apply:

– complete the online application form ;

– submit your abstract of approximately 3 pages;
– register and take part in the discussion of abstracts;
– present your paper in person in Samara or through videoconference.

Important dates

14 October 2016 – deadline for applications and submission of abstracts;
24 October  2016  – notification of authors about the acceptance of abstracts;
25 October – 5 November 2016 – discussion of abstracts online;
7 – 8 November 2016 – Conference Events.

For more information visit our website or contact us by e-mail: